East Block Building, National Assembly, Bliss Parade Belmopan, Belize

Our New Vision and Mission


Quality health care and wellbeing for all now and beyond.


The Ministry of Health & Wellness aims to provide quality, affordable, comprehensive health services; within a resilient environment that promotes equal health and wellbeing for all.

The Ministry of Health has identified the following national goals:

  • To ensure universal access to an agreed upon set of health services of acceptable quality, utilizing the strategy of primary health care.
  • To ensure survival and healthy development of children and adolescents.
  • To improve the health, well-being and development for all men and women in such a way that health disparities between social groups are reduced.
  • To enable all people to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles and behavior.
  • To enable universal access to safe and healthy environments and living conditions.
  • To eradicate, eliminate or control major diseases constituting national health problems.
  • To reduce avoidable disabilities through appropriate preventive and rehabilitation measures.
  • To strengthen policy, planning, information systems, organization and management in the public sector, in partnership with the private sector.
  • To improve efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in the use of all resources ( financial, material and human ).
  • To ensure the ongoing viability and sustainability of the health sector, both public and private.